Category: Operations

Brooklyn Terminal ProRail Ops

  ProRail, the national operations convention, is now in the bag. I was a little surprised how drawn the attendees were to running the BT layout.  For the most part it ran well although some minor track tuning issues cropped up.  Approaches to this entire “operations” thing varies from person to person and layout host to […]

One turnout, two years of satisfaction and going strong

  I’ve never been one for artificially designing  un-realistic switching nightmares into a track plan.  The prototype offers up enough to keep you thinking as is and does so with relatively little track. Switching Sweetener Products is challenging on a few fronts.  First, this is a car spot driven industry.  Each tank car contains a […]

Audio Props: TrainCrew

After my last post on audio props, Ed Kapuscinski dropped me a note announcing that he’s developed an app. that already does many of things on my wish list.  Wow Ed, that was fast!  Thanks! The app is called TrainCrew   URL: I’ve been playing around with it and it’s a simple matter to carry your smartphone […]