Category: Los Angeles Junction Railway

A Gap Filler

I needed to come up with something to fill a three inch or so wide gap between two structures.  As always the challenge is to find something that doesn’t look too “model railroady” which is often what we (I) end up with when left to my imagination.  A scan through my files of my site […]

MP&F Utility Shed

Just to the left of the main MP&F structure sits a small storage shed with a matching sawtooth roof.  Construction details: Illustration board core Windows are a photo of the actual structure’s windows printed to size. Siding is from Builders In Scale. Paint consists of Rustoleum Gray primer with a follow-up of white primer on […]

The Tree

Without making a weeklong project out of it, I wanted to put a little effort into the twenty-foot tall tree at the edge of the MP&F lot. Using the above prototype photo as a guide I selected a few SuperTrees armatures and pruned them to the approximate shape.  I glued them together at the base […]