Author: Lmind1

Bond Plumbing Feb. 21

The Bond Plumbing Supply, quasi building flat is complete and “in the bag”. Very nondescript, it tucks into the corner of the Downtown Spur layout hardly drawing notice…..which was the goal. It also served the secondary purpose of kick starting me out of the builders slump we all go through.

Bond Plumbing Supply

We’ve all been there, the inevitable “rut” where you just can’t get motivated and have no momentum. In my case this frequently happens when there seems to be a fairly long laundry list of difficult projects standing in the way of any forward progress. Such is the case with the Brooklyn Terminal layout….hand laid turnouts, […]

Earth Toned Static Grass, 2/4/19

The image above illustrates perfectly the brownish/gray tone I’ve been trying to replicate with my do-it-yourself static grass dying project. Finally, I think I have it dialed in. Before we start, we need to make our own neutral brown powdered dye because the Proceon MX Chocolate brown is way to red. For our purposes we’ll […]

Measuring Powdered Dye

Because powdered dyes are so powerful, you are often working with minute quantities. It became apparent that measuring spoons in very small sizes would be a real help. I found the spoons above on Amazon which come in 1/16 and 1/32 sizes. Click HERE for the page.