Author: Lmind1

30th Avenue

Directly across the rails from CBI, and across the street from Sun Gas, is a cinderblock wall running at least a hundred feet long or so. At some point in time an enterprising “artist” or “tagger” painted a fairly creative mural on it. Personally, I think it looks a lot better with the artwork than […]

Sun Gas

A portion of the Sun Gas compound is walled off with a cinderblock wall behind which is a small service structure. In anticipation of eventually modeling the scene, I took photos back in 2012 to eventually use as photo wallpaper. Okay, so it took me nine years to get around to it! Back in 2012 […]

30th Ave/Sun Gas Jan.31

Standing on the edge of 30th Avenue, facing east, Tolga Erbora catches the local working Sun Gas, an LPG dealer. This is the scene I’m currently working on. Here’s where Sun Gas, CBI, and 30th Avenue are in relation to the layout as a whole. One of the more challenging aspects of this scene is […]

30th Ave. Jan. 24th

Work begins on the 30th Avenue scene starting with the road and grade crossing itself. It’s a little tricky to model effectively because of the fairly distressed look of the pavement. In addition, the street goes right over a turnout. To model the complex patterns of the pavement, I’m going to laminate a photo of […]

State of the Union

It’s been a busy few years on the modeling front. As I wrote previously, with the Brooklyn Terminal layout now fully complete, I do find myself feeling a bit of “what now”? There are really no other themes or scales that are pulling me towards them at this point. If anything has arisen lately it’s […]