I’ve just uploaded Episode 5 of my Switching Operations 101 video series. In this segment I take a look at switching an LPG dealer and touch on how buffer cars are handled for an industry like this.
My friend Tom Klimoski made a great analogy when it comes to operational practices. View them as a dinner menu. You don’t have to implement every practice. Gain a basic understanding of how things are done, and then pick and choose what you want to incorporate and what you do not. (Thanks to Tom for recording the brake release audio).
I took an interesting twist with this one. A few years ago Tolga Erbora filmed a great rail fan video of the local on The Downtown Spur. I took this and copied it (somewhat) in model form.
One takeaway from this segment is that running sessions don’t need to be complicated. A simple swap of a load for an empty can spin off thirty or forty minutes of run time.
While I do plan to become more active on YouTube, I’m still mulling over formats. I don’t want to get bogged down with production. These aren’t intended to be tightly produced Emmy award winners. I’m looking more for a conversational tone as if you were in my basement and we were running trains together.
Lance I agree with you that these do not have to be slickly produced vignettes with all sorts of fancy graphics. Just showing what you do and how you go about doing it. Tom is 100% correct that we do not have to emulate every single thing the prototype does. Otherwise we would get bogged down in the mundane. Keep doing what your doing,
Spectacular entry and this is a totally fun customer to switch in HO Scale. Agreed that the content itself holds all the value. No need for special effects, crazy post-production frills, or studio lighting. Now I do have a few ideas on how we can have fun with the YouTube platform.
I’m all ears. Can’t wait to hear your ideas!