My Latest Book is Now Available!

My latest book, Shortlines You Can Model, Vol. 1 is now available for purchase via Amazon.

Imagine a shortline set in a tropical city where English is the secondary language, and trackside voodoo rituals are commonplace.  Palm trees, oppressive humidity, a narrow ship-clogged canal, and one-story pastel-colored structures with peeling paint and murals complete the scene.

Now, take that background image and overlay an arrow-straight, mile-long, spur worked by an aging SW8 in peeling mint green paint running down an often flooded right-of-way to serve a handful of industries clinging to the banks of the river.

Welcome to The Swamp Rat, Miami’s short-lived and largely forgotten, shortline.

This richly photographed and engaging backstory serves as a plausible fiction theme for the freelance shortline modeler.   The journey starts with the backstory.  It then moves on to the design and construction strategies needed to bring it to life.

4 thoughts on “My Latest Book is Now Available!

  1. Kevin Janda

    Ordered my copy this afternoon as soon as I saw your announcement. Will receive it on Monday. Good luck on future volumes. Any thoughts on a southwestern setting ?? Maybe with some thoughts on southwestern scenery without cartoon-like cactus / cacti ?? Best wishes, Kevin

    1. Lmind1 Post author

      Thanks Kevin. Yes, I’d really like to do something in the SW. The challenge is getting there from Maryland.

  2. Evan Schaefer

    Received mine today and was very pleased. You should start an online course on model railroading or videos on certain subjects in the hobby like college professors!

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