In this image we are looking south down the CSX “Main” towards The Miami River. Note the high level of maintenance and concrete ties. Diverging to the left is the much rattier Downtown Spur running through the weeds on wood ties.
The Downtown Spur splits off of the CSX main line just before crossing The Miami River. The main carries passenger traffic and, heavier and more frequent, freight traffic. To accommodate that traffic, the rail is on concrete ties. A number of years ago I made a so-so attempt at modeling the concrete tries by modifying Atlas code 83 flex track. I was never satisfied with the look and it always grated on me.

Eventually it bugged me enough that I decided to rip the track out and do it right with Micro Engineering’s concrete tie flex track. In the image above I have the old track out and have begun fitting the replacement Micro Engineering rail.
It’s nice having a layout that’s about three quarters of the way to being complete. For me that’s the sweet spot. You have something you can look at, operate, and enjoy. At the same time the pressure is off and you can double back and do re-work, renovation, and just take your time fiddling with projects at a slow pace.