Efforts in March focused on continuing to develop the Sun Gas scene. A large part of this month’s effort entailed scratch building the palms which, all combined, contain well over a hundred fronds. I also worked on fencing, hedges, and gates.

The above image features a direct view down 30th Avenue. The backdrop is an edited screen shot from Google Streetview. The sky colors don’t match but, hey, there are only so many hours in a day, and spending a precious weekend afternoon color matching wasn’t a priority. I can always clean up future photos of this view with photoshop.

Here’s an overall view of the entire scene.
Finally, a fair amount of time last month was spent on restoration. The photo wallpaper on about a half dozen structures in the switchback area had become severely degraded and discolored. Repairing them involved stripping off the details, peeling off the laminate, printing new laminate, and then putting the details back on. All six structures were in an area above where the basement floods the most. All of them were built using matte photo paper before I understood that, chemically, gloss is far superior and more stable. I had most of the photo wallpaper files saved which saved time. A few files had to be totally re-created which did “not” save time. At any rate the repair project is mostly done and the layout for the most part is back to looking spic and span.