Author: Lmind1

Measuring Powdered Dye

Because powdered dyes are so powerful, you are often working with minute quantities. It became apparent that measuring spoons in very small sizes would be a real help. I found the spoons above on Amazon which come in 1/16 and 1/32 sizes. Click HERE for the page.

Earth Tone Static Grass 1/20/19

There has been a lot of interest in my earth tone static grass experimentation. At this point I have it dialed in enough to pass on the techniques. Before I get started, I want to emphasize that this process is extremely simple and the materials very inexpensive. It will take me longer to write this […]

Earth Tone Static Grass – Jan. 16

Experimentation continues with producing the earth toned grasses. My kitchen table looks like Edison’s lab at this point. I’ve established a few things: -The fibers will in fact accept the coloring. -The composition of the Woodland Scenics fibers seems to work best. -Grays are relatively straight forward to create which is great. My biggest hurdle […]

Earth Toned Grass

The importance of a model railroad scenic feature can often be measured by the layout surface area it covers. By that measure, grass falls at the top of the list. Given it’s importance, it’s odd that it isn’t talked about more. For the most part it gets a passing treatment on layouts at best. One […]

Downtown Spur Operations

One of the biggest advantages of modeling the present is that research information is so easily attainable. For example you can make site visits to measure and photograph structures, streets, or rolling stock. It also makes having all of your answers relatively easily answered in terms of how operations unfolded. Case in point, yesterday Tolga […]