When modeling asphalt, the challenge is to get away from an overly uniform color pattern…easier said than done. I tried something new this weekend.
-Start by painting your street or parking lot surface with Rustoleum Light Gray Primer and let it dry.
-For the second level I used “Charcoal” colored grout. A nice quality of grout is that it’s less aggressive and doesn’t “bite” as hard as weathering powders. That makes it more forgiving.
-Take an old one-inch wide brush, dip it into a container of grout and then dab it on the surface.
-Next, take a cosmetic sponge and using mostly vertical motions dab and grind it in a little. Spread it a little around side to side if needed.
-Vacuum off the excess and repeat if there are any bare areas.
-Seal with Dullcote.
-Apply some very, very thin cracks with a super sharp, black, artists pencil
Most larger concrete slabs/pads are constructed with expansion joints spaced about three times the slab thickness (times 12 to convert to feet) apart. For a 6” thick slab that would be every 18 feet. Perhaps you could use a dental pick to scribe the joints into the substrate before starting the painting/weathering process?
Thanks Jeff. The prototype is asphalt, not concrete though.
D’Oh! Sorry, misread the title….saw “asphalt” and thought “concrete”. Sorry!