Offboard Sound For the LAJ

Here’s the offboard sound setup for the LAJ. I took the photo prior to tucking the wires under the layout so you can see what’s going on. We have: an O scale speaker, a handmade speaker enclosure, a separate decoder programmed to the same address as the locomotive, and some quick disconnect plugs.

As I circle back to the LAJ layout, the next order of business was offboard sound. In this instance I didn’t want to go all out with computer speakers. In a conversation last year with Christian Javiar, he suggested just going with large scale speakers which I ultimately did. The concept is simple. I have a second decoder tucked under the layout which is programmed to the same address as the loco. I’m using at the time. I then just plug that “under layout” decoder into a large scale DCC speaker. If you go this route using disconnect plugs in your harness will make your life much easier in the likely event you want to unplug the decoder for whatever reason.

Here’s the harness which is simple enough. We have the decoder, the speaker, and disconnect plugs.

Here’s the speaker I used.

The sound with this arrangement is far, far superior to onboard sound. The fact that the speaker and loco. are in different spots, is slightly obvious but not objectionable for a small layout. Implementation is easier than using a computer speaker system, although the sound, while still very good, isn’t quite as impressive as using the much larger home audio speakers.

I continue to be frustrated that the decoder manufacturers don’t give us anything to work with regarding offboard sound. It’s simple acoustics. An onboard loco. speaker will always face insurmountable obstacles and, excuse the french, sound fairly shitty regardless of speaker quality. Think of it this way. Imagine listening to music on your smartphone with top of the line earbuds…plugged into your ears. The sound will be amazing. The speakers aren’t the issue. Now, take the earbuds out, place them on your lap, and notice the precipitous drop in audio quality. It’s the same issue we face with onboard loco. sound.

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