In a recent issue of RMC there was an article on airbrushing acrylic craft paints. I was skeptical. Last week a scenery project came up where doing so would be handy “if” it would work. Sure enough it did! I can’t be of much help in terms of mix ratios other than to say I was striving to eyeball the same viscosity you would see in say, a bottle Model Master acrylic mix purchased at the hobby store. I placed a glob of the acrylic craft paint in a bottle and slowly mixed in distilled water. Next I added a few drops of alcohol to break the surface tension. Test time with the airbrush. Would the brush clog? Would I get an odd paint surface? Nope. I was a little taken aback at how smoothly the paint came from the brush and the high quality satin finish that resulted. It definitely works. This is a really handy tool to be aware of given the broad spectrum of colors available with the craft paints and how readily available they are.