Standing on the edge of 30th Avenue, facing east, Tolga Erbora catches the local working Sun Gas, an LPG dealer. This is the scene I’m currently working on.

Here’s where Sun Gas, CBI, and 30th Avenue are in relation to the layout as a whole.

One of the more challenging aspects of this scene is working in the 30th Avenue grade crossing as it cuts across the CBI spur (front), main (middle), and Sun Gas lead (back) . Dealing with all of this in the middle of a turnout made it all the more difficult. In situations like this it’s important to keep the flangeways open and to make sure nothing rises above the railhead.

In this view I’ve done a quick and dirty test backdrop using a photo I took a few years ago looking north up 30th Avenue. Although 30th is called an “Avenue” that’s a bit of a stretch! My driveway is wider and in better shape than this narrow, battered, pothole laden, roadway.