As a fun exercise I gave myself the task of picking one favorite photo from each of the layouts I’ve owned. A more detailed library can be found on my Flickr page.

A view down the canal on my East Rail 2 layout.

Walking the tracks on the Downtown Spur.

A reefer sits under the awning of Federal Cold Storage on my Los Angeles Junction layout.

The switcher makes a shove up First Avenue on my N scale Brooklyn Terminal model railroad.

A lone boxcar of coffee sits in front of Colmar Storage on my original East Rail layout.

It’s 1955 and the Monon’s northbound Thoroughbred approaches the iconic bridge E-8 just south of Bloomington, IN on my old N scale layout.
Here a few favorite shots from custom built model railroads I’ve made in the past.

The Bishop Street project entailed creating a fairly close representation of Guilford’s Bishop Street Branch in Portland, ME. It was the subject of a four part series in Model Railroader magazine in 2023.

A GG-1 crosses a kitbashed/scratch built viaduct on a Philadelphia themed custom model railroad.

For this project, the customer wanted a fairly accurate representation of the iconic “Three Banks” scene in Thurmond, WV. The structures on the right were entirely scratch built.